Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greyhound Cafe @ Central Chitlom

I took my Japanese friend, Mさん here for lunch. She's been in Bangkok only one month, so I wanted to introduce to this place, as it is popular with women.

I ordered....

a green apple sour (no alcohol, sorry!)...

...and a spinach & eggplant lasagne.

My friend and I chatted in Japanese only. ^_^ During our time together, I noticed:
  • For me, it is very difficult to switch from Japanese to Thai. My brain was very confused.
  • When switching between English and Thai, it's not so hard. Hm. Why?

My friend, from Nagoya originally, told me she had never experienced Stone Cold Creamery, so naturally, I introduced her to the shop. ^_^ Here, I tried a new taste: Chocolate Brownie. Yummy!


Ready to eat!
(The cow was a present from another friend...she noticed my affection for cows.)

Greyhound Cafe is located on 4F of Central Chitlom. Stone Cold Creamery is located on G1, near the Food Loft of Central Chitlom. Prices from 80 Baht and up. (¥240/ $2.40)

***Special News***
I will be visiting Japan from 9/1. I have gotten a request from a reader to challenge writing a "live blog". I expect the posts to be delayed by one day (posts will start from 9/2).
Thank you! ^_^/


  1. Oh what a cute cow :) !
    And the ice cream looks very yummy!
    Have a GREAT time in Tokyo!!!

  2. Hi Corgi,

    I love the cow. I couldn't bring him to Tokyo though...sorry. I had to bring some things for friends here.

    And thank, I will have good time, even with a typhoon!
