Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Agalico Tea House | Part 3

After chatting for 2 hours (I know, I know...we're girls!!), we headed outside to view the professional garden. According to the shop's website, this garden was designed by a famous artist, Mr. M.L Poomchai Chumbala (see info HERE by clicking his name).

This garden did not disappoint. After exiting the tea house's glass doors, we found...

This water fountain:

..a bench and chairs in a quiet area:

..a hidden flautist:

..a unique waterspout:

...and a gazebo:

This is my favorite photo. I found this lantern hanging above an alcove. After snapping the pic, the essence is very Spanish, don't you think? ^_^

***Special Bonus!***
One of my blog readers has been working really hard lately, so we thought we would cheer him up with a fun pose. He's a big gadgets fan, so we thought we'd show off ours. Hers is a Samsung, and mine is by HTC. (laugh) Sorry, no Apples. ^_^

Agalico is located on Sukhumvit Soi 51. BTS Thong Lor, Exit 1 and walk about 10 minutes. Agalico's website is HERE. Open from 10.00 ~ 18.00 Fri./Sat./Sun. only!


  1. Oh my god! Who are the two criminals? They look scary!
    By the way I have a request for a blog post! Can you show how to make Miso soup?

  2. Hi Corgi,

    I don't know who those two are...(innocent face) ^_^

    A request? To make miso soup? No problem.

    I will start Japanese cooking lessons soon...maybe next Friday. I will post those lessons too.

  3. Btw criminal...I mean Corgi...(laugh)

    The person in the blue shirt? That face is apparently called a 'mush face'. This is popular among teens in Japan now...^-^

    The girl in the orange shirt? Her necklace is amazing! Where did she get it, I wonder???? (laugh)
