Saturday, August 27, 2011

Baipai Thai Cooking School | Part 4

We continue to blog about this cooking school in Bangkok...

The first dish was called Toong Tong (Golden Bags). The inside contained: minced pork, pepper, garlic, water chestnut, onion, sugar and soy sauce.

The minced pork & other ingredients:

This mixture was then placed on a spring roll sheet, wrapped and tied using a Pandanus leaf.

Our "Golden Bags" prepped and ready:

Toong Tong are deep fried, so we watched as the chef demonstrated...

...checking the temperature of the oil....

..then frying:

The students moved to their stations for the frying. After about 15 minutes, the bags changed color to a "golden brown". These are mine ^_^:

The taste was very good. I liked the crunchy shell and the tender pork inside. My friend commented: "This dish is perfect to prepare at a party!" I agree. ^_^

Please return tomorrow. We'll make the second dish, Chicken & Galangal in Coconut Milk.

Baipai Cooking school website is HERE. Highly recommended on Trip Advisor.


  1. I'll post a comment for Corgi: ^_^

    Oi! When are we going back? ...and let's wear our own aprons (and fishnet stockings?) next time. (laugh!)

  2. Oi! (isn't that a Japanese cry shortly before they draw the samurai sword?) ^o^

    The problem is, we already had the best menu. The other menus doesn't sound so appealing to me. And they don't offer classes for vegetarians.

  3. Hi Corgi,
    Actually, 'Oi!' is something I copied from watching Thai dramas and our teachers. The women, when irritated, often say 'Oi!'. Don't you think so?

    Did we really have the best menu? Hm. I might just go back on my own then. I really enjoyed this day and it made me (gasp!) want to learn how to be a better cook.
